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Short Story

Virtuous Women Foundation feeding program caters to children from low-income families who are facing food insecurity. The program currently feeds over 100 children per month.

Our social workers and volunteers conduct an assessment to identify families in need, and the children from these families are then enrolled in our feeding program. Once enrolled, they receive a meal card which they can use to receive a nutritious meal at our designated feeding centers.

  • Budget Per Child Kshs. 100 Per Day
  • Impact on Children:  The children receive a balanced meal which helps avoid malnutrition diseases and gives them the energy to go to school.

Help Us Enrol More Children

Every day we receive requests from families in need of our feeding program services. However, due to limited resources, we are unable to enroll all the children who need our help. That’s why we rely on donations and support from individuals and organizations to expand our feeding program and reach more children in need.

Your support will not only provide nutritious meals but also give hope and improve the overall well-being of these children.

Virtuous Women Foundation Feeding Program

20 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns
KSh 0.00
611 Days Left
Days Left
Goal: KSh 100,000.00
Minimum amount is KSh Maximum amount is KSh



Virtuous Women Foundation feeding program caters to children from low-income families who are facing food insecurity. The program currently feeds over 100 children per month.

Our social workers and volunteers conduct an assessment to identify families in need, and the children from these families are then enrolled in our feeding program. Once enrolled, they receive a meal card which they can use to receive a nutritious meal at our designated feeding centers.

  • Budget Per Child Kshs. 100 Per Day
  • Impact on Children:  The children receive a balanced meal which helps avoid malnutrition diseases and gives them the energy to go to school.

Help Us Enrol More Children

Every day we receive requests from families in need of our feeding program services. However, due to limited resources, we are unable to enroll all the children who need our help. That’s why we rely on donations and support from individuals and organizations to expand our feeding program and reach more children in need.

Your support will not only provide nutritious meals but also give hope and improve the overall well-being of these children.


KSh 30,000.00 or more
Feed 10 Children for a Month
0 backers
  • Virtuous Women Foundation Feeding Program

    Feeding Program
  • Currently feeding more than 100 children

    Targeting to feed 1000+ children
Name Donate Amount Date
Anonymous KSh 10.00 August 1, 2024 12:02 pm


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