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The family of Becky Khavere Kamau requests your financial support to help meet the extensive bill of Ksh 2.5 million for Becky Khavere who is currently at Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH).

Becky is a jovial 7 years old baby with Celebral Palsy and has been admitted at the KNH since April 2023 to date. The reason for admission was acute convulsions and pneumonia. Due to his extended stay which includes ICU care and several surgeries, it has now become necessary for her to receive home care under the supervision of a doctor and nurse.

Becky’s room requires to be maintained in a situation similar to an isolation ward hence the requirement for specialized equipment listed. These are as follows:

  • A sunction machine
  • Specialized wheelchair, Spring-wheeled bed
  • Oxygen concentrator
  • A regular nurse/ doctor for constant check up and management.

Becky requires 24-hour specialized care hence the need for a day nurse. She will be discharged from the hospital once the equipment mentioned above is in place so she can be provided with the approved home care. Having exhausted their medical cover, the family is appealing to you for support.

Your assistance will go a long way in ensuring Baby Becky gets the treatment and care she badly needs.

Becky Khavere Medical Appeal

20 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns
KSh 0.00
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Goal: KSh 600,000.00
Minimum amount is KSh Maximum amount is KSh


The family of Becky Khavere Kamau requests your financial support to help meet the extensive bill of Ksh 2.5 million for Becky Khavere who is currently at Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH).

Becky is a jovial 7 years old baby with Celebral Palsy and has been admitted at the KNH since April 2023 to date. The reason for admission was acute convulsions and pneumonia. Due to his extended stay which includes ICU care and several surgeries, it has now become necessary for her to receive home care under the supervision of a doctor and nurse.

Becky’s room requires to be maintained in a situation similar to an isolation ward hence the requirement for specialized equipment listed. These are as follows:

  • A sunction machine
  • Specialized wheelchair, Spring-wheeled bed
  • Oxygen concentrator
  • A regular nurse/ doctor for constant check-up and management.

Becky requires 24-hour specialized care hence the need for a day nurse. She will be discharged from the hospital once the equipment mentioned above is in place so she can be provided with the approved home care. Having exhausted their medical cover, the family is appealing to you for support.

Your assistance will go a long way in ensuring Baby Becky gets the treatment and care she badly needs.


KSh 600,000.00 or more
Full Clear Becky Khavere's Medical Bill
0 backers
  • Becky Khavere Medical Appeal

    Your assistance will go a long way in ensuring Baby Becky gets the treatment and care she badly needs.


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